Friends Meeting House
Highshore Road (formerly called Hanover Street), SE15 5AU
- Built: 1816 Architect: Cost: £1,650
- No. of seats: 300 (1894); congregation 160 (1902/3)
- Building now used as a sorting office by the Post Office.
By 1821 a number of Peckham residents were holding meetings together in a hired carpenter’s shop for £28 a year. The meeting house in Hanover Street (now called Highshore Road) was built in 1826 and enlarged in 1843.
The Friends first met in a carpenter’s workshop in Harder’s Road about fifty-five years ago, and in 1835 the present Meeting House in Hanover Street was built. The Friends were formerly a numerous body, and have always been noted for their liberality and support of local charities, more particularly of course in the support of those connected with their own immediate circle. One of the principal members, Mr. Thomas Cash, at present a guardian of this parish, belongs to a family which has long been intimately connected with the cause. The site on which the Meeting House now stands was formerly a pond, much prized by the boys of the last generation as a skating-ground.
Ye Parish of Camerwell W.H. Blanch (1875)
See also: Exploring Southwark: Friends Meeting House
Albert Road Hall, Friends Mission
Albert Road (renamed Consort Road)
- Congregation 147 (1902/3)
Blue Anchor Lane
- Congregation 53 (1902/3)